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Generate lots of data

We provide a utility to help generate lots of data. It is highly customizable, with more documentation coming soon. Try out the following commands, or create your own. Each will run several full scenes as demonstrated above. More documentation coming soon.

Render a videos on a 'local' machine (a desktop workstation, or a single large compute node on which you are directly running the command)

python -m tools.manage_datagen_jobs --output_folder outputs/myjob --num_scenes 50 --pipeline_configs local_64GB monocular_video --cleanup big_files

Render a batch of of images, starting from a SLURM cluster's head node

python -m tools.manage_datagen_jobs --output_folder outputs/myjob --num_scenes 50 --pipeline_configs slurm monocular --cleanup big_files


The --pipeline_configs broadly determine the compute resources to be used, and the number of jobs to be run (which determines monocular vs stereo vs video). Options are available in tools/pipeline_configs. You must pick one config to determine compute type (ie local_64GB or slurm) and one to determine the dataset type (such as monocular or monocular_video).

Run python -m tools.manage_datagen_jobs --help for more options.