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Installation is tested and working on the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04
    • GPUs:
      • None
      • NVidia RTX-4090: CUDA 12.0, Driver Version: 525.78.01
      • NVidia GTX-1080, RTX-2080, RTX-3090: CUDA 12.0, Driver Version 525.105.17
    • RAM: 16GB+
  • MacOS Ventura, Intel, 16GB RAM

For x86 architectures, you can also try our Docker intructions. Apple Silicon (M1/M2) with MacOS Ventura may face problems finding required C headers, more coming soon.

Linux Instructions

Clone the infinigen repo:

git clone --recursive

Create a conda environment:

conda create --name infinigen python=3.10
conda activate infinigen

Use appropriate installation commands for your platform. If you do not have sudo access, ask your administrator, or install them using conda and set your $CPATH (more coming soon). If you do not install them, installation of process_mesh will crash, but this is fine so long as you use blender_gt not opengl_gt.

Finally, run the install script.


To use GPU-accelerated terrain, you must run on a machine with a GPU and CUDA installed. To disable all GPU-oriented or advanced features, run SIMPLE=1 bash instead.

Please make a Github Issue for help with any problems.

(Optional) OpenGL Ground Truth Installation

The above default install instructions enable you to run the full Infinigen scene generation system, but will only support the blender_gt ground truth config.

This section will allow you to use our own opengl_gt ground truth extraction config, which avoids rendering twice in blender, and provides additional labels such occlusion boundaries, sub-object segmentation, 3D flow and easy 3D bounding boxes.

This section is intended only for power-users, and is currently only supported on Linux.

git submodule init
git submodule update
sudo apt-get install libglm-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libgles2-mesa-dev zlib1g-dev

If you do not have sudo access, you may attempt the following:

  • install them manually set your $CPATH variables appropriately.
  • ask your administrator to install them on your behalf

Finally, run

bash opengl

Setup for Windows

Instruction for compiling Infinigen on a Windows system.

Configuring the WSL Environment

Install WSL 2 (with WSLg) and Ubuntu. Make sure that you are either on the latest version of Windows 10 or on Windows 11.

In Powershell, run wsl -l -v to verify that WSL is using version 2. If not, refer to this guide on upgrading.

In Powershell, run ubuntu to enter the Linux subsystem.

Verify that echo $DISPLAY returns :0.

If not, WSLg was not properly set up. If you had previous installations of WSL/Ubuntu, try uninstalling and doing a fresh install of both. You may proceed without WSLg, but the OpenGL ground truth will not work. Scene and asset generation will still run normally and we support alternative generation of the ground-truth from Blender's built-in render passes.


Follow the instructions here to install CUDA on WSL2. This step can be skipped if not using OpenGL.

Install Anaconda in WSL


Clone the Infinigen repo

git clone --recursive


After configuring the WSL environment, create a new Python environment with the necessary dependencies

conda create --name infinigen python=3.10
conda activate infinigen

Finally, run the install script in /infinigen/
